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Found Object Project: Siren (I)

In the found object project, it was mandatory for us to create a 3D piece out of one particular everyday-object. I chose bells as my object because they are very fascinating. I was admiring how an object can have more than one property and purpose and could be so simple at the same time. I then related the chimes part of the bells which provide the sound property to the rattle of a snake. I then thought about the concept of this sculpture. Snake often has negative connotations, since they are a common fear for people, I figured I could relate it to fear as well. Bells could be associated with warning, therefore, I want to create a piece about a type of fear that comes without a warning, which is the scariest type of fear in my opinion. And when fear comes by a surprise, people are often most moved by it. The broken bell pieces on the body of the snake represents how fear is accumulated over time and sums up into another big lump of fear. I also applied the use of kinetic sculpture into this piece in the bells mobile that are supposed to be a disturbing factor, if someone tries to touch a bell, it will hit another bell and create a chain irritating sound of bells clinking at one another. I got this idea from the artist Kazunori Matsumura in his work "The Voice of the Winds" which is a pipe kinetic sculpture which resonates and echos a sound that enters any one of the pipes.

Size: 190 x 120 cm

Media: Mixed media

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